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Mickey's Live Bait & Tackle Shop
715 South Bay Rd, N. Syracuse, NY 13212
tel: 315-458-7998 email: mickeysbt@aol.com

Mickey's Bait & Tackle Shop is FOR SALE!

Have You Ever Dreamed of Being in Business For Yourself, or Being in the Fishing Business?
Have you recently retired from the grind but still want or need to work?
Would you like to work in a field you enjoy?
Do you enjoy dealing directly with customers?
If the answer is "yes" to all or any of those questions, Mickey's Bait & Tackle Shop is for sale, and may be a great fit for you. As one of Central New Yorks longstanding retail shops, Mickey's has been an anchor in the Central New York fishing community since 1950, and a highly successful business over those years with proven attributes including .......​
a strong financial track record with consistent profitability
a loyal customer base
a well-established market position
a unique selling proposition (USP) that differentiates the business from competitors with exclusive products
a solid reputation within the community
strong public relations with local government, organizations and clubs
recession proof status
and strong growth potential
Other key upside features to Mickey's include turnkey status (ready to go, no setup), instant cash flow, a recent storefront renovation, a website, online sales, a strong social media presence, and post-sale support from the baitshopbros to help you be as, or more successful as we have been.
If it sounds like a good fit for you and you'd like to learn more about the business, don't hesitate to contact us.